Introducing Nicola Gibbs
A short film about channelling art as I understand it, having been a visionary artist since 1998.
A big thank you to one of my beautiful art students Moza Ackroyd for producing this.
A Class at the Oracle Gallery
A wonderful film made by Moza Ackroyd that gives a little insight into a class at The Oracle.
Each class is different and unique as each person is so.
The more open a persons mind is to allowing, the more creativity, wisdom, information, knowledge, joy, peace and love, flows into them and from them.
An attitude of gratitude, enthusiasm, a love of colour and enjoyment, greatly excelerate the power of this experience.
The Oracle Gallery
A beautiful film made for me by one of my art students Will Morris.
It is a short description of channelling and how it takes us into our superconscious minds. This in turn connects us to universal consciousness. The source of all that is. Our innate selves. Our highest vibration.
We are a microcosm of the macrocosmic universe. If we can think it, it exists already.